Most visitors to Japan are eagerly awaiting the cherry blossom season. However, few people know that in this land of rising sun there are hills of poppy flowers of different colors, making many people bewildered.
Japanese poppies bloom brightly on the whole hill
For those who love nature, plants, coming to Japan in May, you will have the opportunity to admire the hills of poppy blooms. In the gentle breeze, you drop your soul and walk leisurely on the hills of poppies. This flower usually blooms in the summer, so it is often called the summer leopard.
Immerse yourself in the natural scenery between poppy flower hill
In Japan, poppies are not grown for morphine. This is a flower that is grown a lot in the park and on the hill to fill the gap between sunflowers and shibazakura. Poppy has very delicate wings like a small cup with many different colors.
Sea of Japanese poppies blooms in May
Enjoy life amidst hills of poppies
Few people know that poppies have an intense vitality. Flower growers do not have to spend too much to take care of them. Flowers grow very fast and cover a wide hill. Since then, the poppy hill has become a favorite tourist spot for many tourists.
The air is cool in the poppy field
In Chichibu city, about 110 km from Tokyo, there are lots of poppies blooming. The atmosphere here is quite cool, fresh and quiet. Here, you can easily hear the sounds of honey bees buzzing. In the middle of a vast, poppy bowl of poppies, each stream of people slowly follows each other along the path to discover the beauty of this flower. Many travelers think that they are in a wonderland right below the ground.
Legend of legendary poppies
Each flower is associated with its own story. Japanese poppy comes from the story of the goddess Ceres. According to Japanese tours, visitors will hear the guides tell details about the origin of this flower.
Goddess Ceres uses poppies to forget the pain of losing a child
Some documents in Greek myth say that Goddess Ceres was the one who created the poppy flower in order to ease her pain. Goddess Ceres has a daughter named Proserpine. However, this girl has been lost and the goddess has been looking for her son forever but couldn't find it. Finally, the goddess used poppies to easily fall asleep and forget all the pain and loss.
Sea of Japanese poppies blooms in May
Poppy helps goddess Ceres fall deep into sleep
Besides the story above, there are many people who tell that, there is an extremely wicked witch has turned magic to turn a married woman into poppy. Since then, this woman has had to live with other poppies and she can only go home at night.
The beautiful wife of the witch's curse transformed into poppy
One night the woman said to her husband, "If you can find and pick the poppy flower that you have incarnated, the witch's curse will no longer be valid." meaning she will be turned into a human.
Sea of Japanese poppies blooms in May
Only when the husband interrupts his wife's true poppy will she become human
Listening to his wife, the next morning, the husband went to the poppy field and saw hundreds of flowers there. What surprises him is that all these flowers are exactly the same. It was hard for him to find his right wife. However, after searching, he also found the poppy flower was not wet the night mist because his wife was at home last night.
The curse was removed, the wife turned into a human
He gently plucked poppy flower. Immediately, the curse of the witch on his wife was nullified. The wife quickly transformed into a human and the soul no longer resides in the body of the poppy flower. Since then, the couple began to live happily together forever.
Sea of Japanese poppies blooms in May
Poppies and the story about it make many people remember forever
Over the years, Japanese poppies continue to bloom on the immense hills. Despite looking very fragile flowers but its stamina is quite durable. Even strong winds can not be knocked down and when summer comes, the flower confronts the blazing sun to show off. In May, coming to Japan, you will have the opportunity to explore with interesting experiences in this land.
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